EponaMind Team

EponaMind offers knowledge and products that are developed and supported by a team of experts across various geographies and disciplines

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John Craig

John Craig has a Phd from Stanford in engineering. He is the author of "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics & Control" which is a leading university textbook for the engineering field of robotics.  He has authored several papers related to robotics as well as equine biomechanics, and has chaired conference sessions on biomechanics and the connection between machines and the biomechanics of animals.  He has researched the hoof and shoeing systems for the past 20 years, and has been a speaker at the International Hoof Summit in Cincinnati, and other veterinary/farrier venues. He is the lead software developer for the Metron Imaging system used for digital radiography and other modalities in veterinary imaging.

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Monique Craig

Monique Craig has a degree in computer science engineering with a minor in mathematics and physics. She was aiming at a PhD in computational linguistics at Stanford, when she purchased her Holsteiner stallion - Smirnoff. His chronic hoof problems made her take a very different direction in her career. She became a professional farrier and concurrently developed the software Metron with her husband John Craig.  A few years later she invented the EponaShoe. Monique has spent many years researching, trimming and shoeing the hoof -- as well as riding and training. Her research has been presented at several veterinary and farrier conferences and in various publications.  She  recently published a book: "A Modern Look at... The Hoof".  She gives lectures in the USA and internationally. She has been a visiting scholar at CalPoly San Luis Obispo for the past eight years where she lectures in a biomechanics course for  pre-veterinarian students.

Paso Robles Team














Farrier Team USA

Farrier Team Europe

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Gene Lelm

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Rick Pucci

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Ellemieke Fransen

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Ray Knightley


Mind Team Green Bay


Mind Team Partners