EponaMind Research & Education

Although we sell commercial products, we also conduct independent research resulting in publications, and we create educational resources as well.

Our Nerd Corner is sort of a blog of various topics related to the horse. We add to it from time to time. If you are a “hoof nerd” you may like it.

We split our publications into three categories:

A) In Publications you will find papers that were published in veterinary or farrier journals

B) In Conference Talks you will find PowerPoint presentations we have given at various conferences

C) In Magazine Articles you will find lay articles mostly directed at the horse owner that we have published in magazines

Monique put a ton of work into The Hoof Book which is available from us (or Amazon) in a few different languages.

We host events at the EponaMind Ranch in Paso Robles, California and you will find information here: Educational Events